Metabolic Rate Testing
How many calories do I need to eat?
Does my metabolism run slow, fast, or normal?
These are common questions that we can answer for you with in-office testing to measure the amount of calories your body burns at rest, also known as Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR). Did you know your RMR accounts for 60-70% of energy needs? It’s the biggest part of your energy balance puzzle, and measuring it is helpful if you're trying to achieve any kind of body recomposition like fat loss, muscle gain, etc, rather than relying on predictive equations that are not always accurate.
Discover if your metabolism is slower or faster than expected, to understand plateaus in your weight change journey
Understand if medical conditions like sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, cancers, etc. are affecting your expected RMR, making healthy weight loss or gain difficult
Test with a Registered Dietitian for expert guidance and support
How does the test work?
RMR testing is non-invasive and takes just 20 minutes. You will come into our office and relax in a reclined position while breathing into a mouthpiece, with your nose clipped. We are measuring your oxygen use, which is directly related to calorie use. After your test is over, your results will be reviewed with you by your Dietitian. That’s it! Easy, right?
There are a few things you’ll need to do before the test to ensure accurate results: 1) fast for a minimum of six hours; 2) no alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulants 12 hours before; 3) no exercise 24 hours before.
To book your test or for questions, call us at 734-626-5522 or use the button below. If you don’t see a time that works for you, please call for additional availability.
Test + Counseling, 60 minutes, $220