VO2 and Fitness Testing

Does your metabolism run slow, fast, or normal?

VO2 testing is a non-invasive treadmill test used to determine how well your body uses oxygen to produce energy in your muscles. The test also determines your VO2 Max, which is the maximum amount of oxygen your body is capable of consuming during intense exercise. This measure is also used to determine what your unique heart rate zones are to train with a heart rate monitor. With this information, we can apply highly researched training principles to improving your cardiorespiratory fitness and VO2 Max by creating an individualized training plan.

But what if your workouts could be more effective and produce greater results? Measuring your physiologic ability with VO2 Max provides precise information about your aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, allowing for optimal heart rate (HR) zones for cardiovascular health or to build exercise endurance.

VO2 Max is the ultimate indicator of cardiovascular fitness. In the past, VO2 Max testing has only been available at hospitals and universities for elite athletes. But now Outback Physical Therapy brings this technology to you at a fraction of the cost. Combined with the resting metabolic rate test and results interpreted by Dr. Ithamar Jotkowitz, PT, DPT, CAMT followed by a customized training program, this is the essential tool for anyone looking to improve their endurance training

Each person has optimal training zones. Exercise equipment and charts that indicate your target heart rates are actually just averages based on age and weight. We will measure your precise target heart rate based on anaerobic threshold, and calculate your unique Target Intensity Zones. These Zones give you the precise heart rates necessary to optimize each level of exercise and maximize your results. With Target Intensity Zones, you’ll work out smarter, not harder!

How does the test work?

RMR testing is non-invasive and quick. Taking just 15-20 minutes, you will come into our office and relax in a reclined position while breathing into a mouthpiece, with your nose clipped. We are measuring your oxygen use, which is directly related to calorie use. After your test is over, your results will be reviewed with you by your Dietitian. That’s it! Easy, right? There are also a few things you will need to do before the test to ensure accurate results, including: 1) fasting for a minimum of six hours (water and medications okay); 2) no alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulants 12 hours before the test; and 3) not exercising 24 hours before the test.

You have the booking option to take the test alone, or to bundle it with nutrition counseling. Just booking the test is recommended for people who have done it before, or who have experience with calorie/macro tracking, while the addition of nutrition counseling is suggested for those who need expert guidance with the results.

Put on a heart rate strap and face mask. The mask is connected to the CardioCoach device.

  • Begin to exercise on a treadmill or cycle. Your doctor of physical therapy will instruct you to gradually increase your intensity over a period of 6 to 20 minutes.

  • The CardioCoach will indicate when the test is completed. You can cool down while your Target Intensity Zones are calculated and printed in a simple, insightful report and then interpreted by your doctor of physical therapy.

Our testing equipment is portable.
For in-home testing, testing at another facility, or for equipment rental, please call 734-626-5522.
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